Day 116 – 2014-09-12, Friday – LaPorte, CO to Bellevue, CO

Ok, we’re gonna go over to Dan’s place today – trying to thread an elephant through the eye of a needle – the truck and trailer through a narrow gate with a bunch of trees on the other side. But first, we had to get there! We pulled out of the KoA and waited for Dan across the street, in a large parking lot. While sitting there, we saw two school buses pull up, and from looking at the wings on the back, I’m guessing they’re for a NASCAR race or something:

1 - NASCAR Buses

The entry into the property actually did not go too badly, I was surprised. Hopefully leaving will be as easy. Had to get turned around so I could park it close to electricity by the apartments in the rear of the property, which took a little time, but went really well. Here’s where we’re parked:

2 - Trailer

And it’s free! Woohoo!

Day 115 – 2014-09-11, Thursday – Rock Springs, WY to LaPorte, CO

We’ve been here before! Stopped by the KoA for tonight only, and tomorrow we go off with Mr. Bond … Dan Bond. Old work buddy from our Kodak days. We’re gonna help him re-roof his cabin in the canyon. Why yes, we ARE stupid, but not totally! Nope – I don’t climb ladders … ask my good friend Sherry Daerr about that – she witnessed the last time I climbed a ladder and almost ended up with a concussion – nice inch-long gash on my forehead. Yeah, neat story, that one.

Anyway – another early start, so we could go into town and arrange to drop off the truck – needs a little TLC – has an oil leak and a couple of noises we need looked at. Then, of course, BEER. And food. Went to Black Bottle Brewing. Hmmm. Well, the beer was good, but EXPENSIVE. Didn’t get the Stout because it was $9 for an 8 oz glass. REALLY? The cheaper one was $7! I settled for a Pumpkin Porter that was only $5 for a 14 oz glass. And it was good! The Bear had a Juanita Brown Ale that was only $4.50 a 14 oz glass, that was also quite good. Food? Small dishes, quite expensive, so we won’t be back. Good flavor, just not much there. Meal prices for appetizer sizes.

After that – check out the road to Dan’s cabin, then check out campgrounds on the road back, then dinner and SLEEP.

Day 114 – 2014-09-10, Wednesday – Salt Lake City, UT to Rock Springs, WY

Ugh. Another long day of driving. Why Rock Springs? Well, it’s near Green River, WY, and they have an IMBA Epic trail – The Lunatic Fringe. With a name like that, WE HAVE to ride it! Got in kind of early (as in mid-afternoon), and headed in to town for some lunch, but first, stop in at the local bike shop, The Bike and Trike. Sadly, not very helpful. There was one guy in there by himself, working on a bike on a stand, so we chatted with him a bit – yes, he’d been riding last Sunday, yes, there were trails in town, but not marked at all, so good luck finding them. “What about the trails on this flier you have here on the counter?” Oh, yeah, you could go there, but that’s in another town. Not very enthusiastic, either. Oh, well, we had the flier, so go next door to Bitter Creek Brewing and have a brew and a burger before we go looking for trails. The brews were ok, and the burgers were ok. Best part of the burger were the fries – freshly made! None of this frozen crap I’ve grown to hate. These were good!

So, off to Green River! We found the trails, but no sign of Lunatic Fringe. The guy and the bike shop had never heard of it (that’s never a good sign), so we were on our own. Also, GR is supposed to have a bike park, and we saw signs of fit, but then lost the scent somewhere along the way. What to do? Chamber of Commerce! They put out the flier we have, so let’s go see them! Well, not much help either. And no bike shop in Green River, just the one in Rock Springs … yeah, we know, thanks. So that was a bust – BUT they WERE able to point us to the bike park, so we went there. Very nice park! I’ll post photos later.

And now it’s later! Thankfully, Dan has internet at the cabin. Back to the post.

VERY nice bike park, especially for a town of only 12,500 folks:

2 - GRBP pano 1


I also liked the company that does their Porta-Potties:

4b - Western Relief


On the way to Colorado, we stopped outside Laramie to fill up, and I saw the first honest bathroom sign I’ve ever seen:

4a - Restroom


And that could have been a picture of me running in there.

Day 113 – 2014-09-09, Tuesday – Boise, ID to Salt Lake City, UT

Travel day … again. Long one, too, but we need to get to Colorado.

Not much else to say other than long drive. Breakfast in Twin Falls, dinner at the Red Iguana. Went there last year, so we went back this year. Food’s still good! Here’s a photo:

Red Iguana


On the way over, we saw this:

No Fair

Do they mean it’s not fair to park there? No, the State Fair is in town, and that’s what it means … I just thought it was funny taking it the other way. Yes, I have a warped sense of humor!

Tomorrow – Wyoming!

Day 112 – 2014-09-08, Monday – Bend, OR to Boise, ID

Travel day! Long day, too, as it’s the reverse of what we did getting to Bend. Not looking forward to it.

Well, it wasn’t TOO bad, I made a few quick stretch stops, mostly to get rid of excess water. That’s one of the advantages of towing a travel trailer – wherever you go, you have a bathroom! Well, yes, but you can’t always use it, as I found out today. I put a lot of stuff on the floor in the bedroom, which is the bathroom access while all collapsed for travel, as the rear slide keeps you from going forward into the bathroom, especially with the two road bikes there. But that was not the problem. The problem was that the sliding door between the bedroom and bath was not latched open, and so it closed wile driving – which is why it has a latch to hold it open. No big deal, that’s happened before, and it kind of jams itself shut to keep from damaging itself, you just have to lift it and scoot it at the same time, and voila – it’s open. Unless what you had leaning against it on the other side falls behind it … which is what happened. So – the door would not open more than a couple of inches, not far enough for me to get an arm in there to try and dislodge the offending item. Well, we were in the middle of nowhere, and, being a guy, not really a problem, so I just went back outside and watered some roadside flora. Deal with it later.

What WAS weird is the haze in the air. When we drove up almost a week ago, the air was crystal clear – something we seldom saw last year because of all the fires, but this year there have been very few fires, so we’ve had clear air. Very nice! But not today – but it didn’t look like smoke, nor smell of it. Best guess is now everyone is cultivating their fields, so it’s probably dust that they kick up when they do that. Here’s what it looked like, if you can tell:

1 - Hazy

Anyway, stopped back at the Apple Peddler for lunch and had a very good burger, then continued. Some time later, nature called again, and there was more traffic, so I figured better to just open the door to the bathroom and do the right thing … or do the thing right, so to speak. Got in there and started shoving on the door, and the box behind it (I could see what it was – it was the scale we keep there in its box). I REALLY needed the facilities, so I kept pushing, and finally got the door open enough to get my head in there and get a good look. Not the brightest of ideas. I had shoved on the door and popped my head in, and of course, the door came back closed a bit. Didn’t strangle me, but my head was not going to come back out! Long story short, push, heave, shove, and our scale needs a new box now, but I GOT INTO THE BATHROOM. Whew!

Anyway – after that, got into the KoA, parked the rig, and went out to get a fews supplies, fill up the truck, and grab some dinner. While out shopping, I saw this:

2 - Cappuccino Chips

Really? Cappuccino flavored potato chips? That is just ALL KINDS of wrong! If anyone is brave enough to try them, let me know how they are, I’m curious, but not enough to spend my hard-earned cash on them!

So, that was the day – long and tiring, but just a prelude for tomorrow, where we go another full day, to Salt Lake City, UT. Even further than today, but mostly Interstate, so should be quicker. I hope so – today was long enough!

Day 111 – 2014-09-07, Sunday – Bend, OR

No riding today, decided to take a rest day. We have to get back to Colorado by the end of the week, so it’s going to be several days of hard driving. Next two days 6-8 hours each, then I think we stay for a day to get a little riding in, then continue. Whew!

Went back in to town to go by REI, picked up a lens protector for my Virb camera, then we hit Parrilla Grill again, for another Fish Burrito. Mmmmm!

After that, back home for some Scottish ale in a growler, and start packing for tomorrow.

Day 110 – 2014-09-06, Saturday – Bend, OR

Ride day! A bit different today – we’re going to do a shuttle. But first, breakfast! While talking about our trip on Facebook, a gal named Cate chimed in and said “You’re in Bend? I live in Bend! Let’s get together!”, or something like that, so today we’re going to do it! She suggested Palmer’s Cafe for breakfast, so off we went. I had – what else? – Corned Beef Hash & Eggs, but was wary, because it was a bit pricey, especially for such a hole in the wall place. However, when the food showed up, the portions were HUGE, so not pricey after all! Here it is after I’ve eaten half of it:

1 - Breakfast at Palmer's

Met up with our new friend Cate, and she took us on a little tour. We dropped her car off at the bottom trailhead, then took off for Dutchman Sno-Park Trailhead with her and her bike aboard. At the top, unloaded, and headed out the Flagline Trail. Close to the start, I looked back and was rewarded with this:

2 - Looking back

Wow! Some guys passed us while we were admiring the view, and here they are going up the trail:

3 - Riders ahead

Kicking up quite a bit of dust. This trail is actually kind of cool, it starts off going slightly downhill for the first mile and a bit (maybe 1.1 or so), so you can kind of warm up, then it climbs for about three miles, some of it kind of steep, but never very steep for very long, and then eleven miles of almost complete downhilling bliss. WOW! Very nice!

At the top, at the four mile mark, we saw this:

4 - Near the top

We stayed on that until it got to Swampy Lakes, where we went down South Fork Trail. About three miles down, we took a left to go see Tumalo Falls:

5 - Waterfall

Went back to South Fork Trail where we had left off, and continued along Tumalo Creek, until we met up with the West Trail, which we took to the Skyliner Sno-Park Trailhead, where Cate was parked. Wow. I say that a lot, but the photos really do NOT do it justice. You have to be here.

Overall, 15 miles, and we were quite toasted. Off for lunch at Parrilla Grill, where I had a most awesome Fish Burrito, and drank lots of water and lemonade. Beer will come later, on the way home. Awesome ride, thank you Cate! Oh, also got to meet her husband Donovan and their daughter Emily – Hi guys! Thanks for letting us borrow Cate for a few hours!

Tired? Oh, yes! But we still stopped by 7th Street Brewery in Redmond for a brewski, this time the Scottish Ale, some sort of McDugal something – waitress took the menu before I could read it – Quite tasty! So much so, we got a growler-full for later!

Tomorrow? Probably ride again, we’re suckers of punishment, but it will be a very flat ride – our legs are toast!

Day 109 – 2014-09-05, Friday – Bend, OR

Another ride day – Woohoo! Again, short easy ride … NOoooo! Wanted to go for 6, ended up getting in almost 11! AND over 1,000 feet of climbing! I hurt, but in a good way. Good part is, I feel myself getting stronger every day. Tomorrow is the BIG ride, so we’ll see how that goes. But that’s tomorrow, and it’s not here yet!

Got a late start and went to see some bridges over a gorge (I guess I could say I got gorged!), so we decided to head out for lunch, and we hit up the Silver Moon Brewery, where I tried (just a taste) their Dark Side Stout – very good, I might add – but I had their Snake Bite Porter and some pulled-pork nachos for lunch – pretty good stuff! This is their door from the alley:

1 - Silver Moon Ddoorway

For the ride, we went back to  Phil’s Trailhead, up Kent’s, a very nice, gradual uphill of about four and a bit miles, though it did have one steeper part, but it wasn’t THAT bad. Made it up fine, then came down Voodoo (for you, Richard White!):

2 - Voodoo

which was kind of rocky, and the bike crashed once on it. I say the bike, because, while it DID draw a wee bit of blood, I never hit the ground, so life is good! Kept on riding and got to GrandStand, which was even MORE rocky, and my bike crashed AGAIN. Thankfully, once again I remained upright, though I did almost come out of my left shoe when my foot got caught between some rocks on the dismount. After that, I got a bit more careful – third one is the charm, and I’m not sure what that would have meant, so I avoided it. GS led to Expressway (only for about a tenth of a mile, if that) and then the downhill on Phil’s to the trailhead.

FUN RIDE. I do think that this is the best mountain biking we’ve done anywhere, because the trails are plentiful, interesting, and very doable. There are some very hard trails here, we hear, but we’ll leave those for the more adventurous folks out there.

Day 108 – 2014-09-04, Thursday – Bend, OR

Ride day! Woohoo! Really looking forward to it! Not an early start, because it’s COLD out there! Got to the trailhead around 10:15, and got on the trail around 10:40. We’re at Phil’s Trailhead, and are going to go up Ben’s Trail, then take the double-track parallel to Lower Whoops, so we can come down Lower Whoops, then meet up with Phil’s Trail, which will take us to Kent’s, then to KGB, and finally Marvin’s Garden back to the trailhead. Phew! Yeah, I’m looking for about a dozen miles.

The ride started out pretty glad, but weaving back and forth (as all good trails do, it’s part of the fun of mountain biking!), so Ben’s had some nice climbs, but nothing too terrible. I had thought that this was where we were going to head back, but NOoooo … it’s the route I outlined above. Oh, well. The next almost two miles were ALL uphill, but gradual, so not too bad, and we got to the top of Lower Whoops, where there was a bench of sorts, so we took some time out and sat for a bit, to eat an energy bar and have some goo. A couple came up a few minutes later, so we chatted with them for a bit … for a bit over an hour! Really nice couple, but sadly I neglected to get their names. Bummer. But they did tell us of a WONDERFUL place to mountain bike, about two hours North … hmmmm … we’ll have to investigate!

The day was quite cool, finally hitting about 71 or 72, so shade was almost nippy. Then, time to start the descent – almost all downhill to the trailhead, though there were a couple of … good sized … ok, one of them monster-size for the area, and I had to stop at it twice to catch my breath. Here’s a shot of The Bear climbing it:

2 - The Climb

At some point in there, we got to see The Chicken:

1 - The Chicken

Back at the truck by almost five o’clock, so five hours on the trail! Ok, one and a half was a stop, but we were still out there! Total tally? Nineteen (!) miles! And 2,000 feet of climbing! Pretty good for an “easy” trail! But we felt good about it!

Afterwards … BEER! Went to Redmond, OR, to the Seventh Street Brew House, and got some dinner. I had Doug’s Ultimate burger, patty, bacon, lettuce, tomato, grilled onions, pickle, peperoncini, and an EGG! Mmmm – Good! That and a Monkey Face Porter, and I was set! The Bear had the Chicken pot pie, which I ALMOST had, and the same to drink. Yummy! Only bad part was a group with some kids, and the little boy (maybe 4 years old) would fairly regularly let out a blood-curdling scream, for no apparent reason other than wanting attention. Not a peep from mom or dad. GREAT parenting there! And kept ignoring the kid. Thanks.

We checked out the place the couple mentioned, and it looks pretty good, bu tit only has about 15 miles of trails, so we don’t feel it warrants a four-hour drive (2 out, 2 back) for such a little bit of trail. When we return next year, we can hit it, now that we know about it.

Tomorrow? Easy ride somewhere, because Saturday we have a tour guide who is going to shuttle us (or we’ll pay Cog Heaven, whichever) and guide us down from Dutchman Trailhead – should be about a 25-mile ride – woohoo!

Day 107 – 2014-09-03, Wednesday – Bend, OR

Ah, a very cool morning to wake up to today! Nippy last night. No riding today, it’s GSD day.

Quick breakfast, and off to the Forest Service to get maps. And boy, do they have maps! We bought one and a book, but then she gave us probably a half-dozen ORV maps – these are cool, for one, because they’re free, but also because those are the ones that tell you where the dispersed camping is. And they’re HUGE. Maybe four to five FEET on a side! I’ll have to get a photo.

After that, a bike shop – we went to Pine Mtn Sports. No, really, that’s what’s on the sign outside! I’ll get a photo when I go back. AND, upstairs is Cog Heaven, a place that does shuttles for REASONABLE prices – by that I mean $15 per person! A lot of the others we’ve seen want as much as $30 or $35 per person. Too much! And bike rentals here are reasonable as well, full suspension bikes for $50, where most other places have been $100 or more. I’m starting to REALLY like Bend!

Ok, next was beer! And lunch, of course. So, we headed for the Deschutes Brewery & Public House. I had the Reuben:

3 - Reuben

And to go with it, a Black Butte Porter:

2 - Black Butte Porter

And the baby glass? Well, they want folks to try their BB Porter, so every beer came with a taste of it, even if what you ordered was the BB Porter! Cool! FREE BEER! Huge lunch, and pretty good.

After lunch, go look for trailheads! Since we’re definitely riding tomorrow, we need to know where we’re going, and don’t need the frustration of looking for it on that day, if it’s avoidable. Found several, all look good, and are easy to get to. This is going to be so cool!

After trailheads, we were thirsty again, so off to a new brewery – there are 19 in town, so we have to hurry! Brew Werks was next, as they have a “Schizophrenic Stout” that we want to try – we had that, and a plate of stuffed jalapeños. The maps were hot, and the beer was bitter, so I doubt we come back. Not because of the jalapeños, mind you. The beer HAS to be good to warrant a return trip.

That’s it for today!