Day 114 – 2014-09-10, Wednesday – Salt Lake City, UT to Rock Springs, WY

Ugh. Another long day of driving. Why Rock Springs? Well, it’s near Green River, WY, and they have an IMBA Epic trail – The Lunatic Fringe. With a name like that, WE HAVE to ride it! Got in kind of early (as in mid-afternoon), and headed in to town for some lunch, but first, stop in at the local bike shop, The Bike and Trike. Sadly, not very helpful. There was one guy in there by himself, working on a bike on a stand, so we chatted with him a bit – yes, he’d been riding last Sunday, yes, there were trails in town, but not marked at all, so good luck finding them. “What about the trails on this flier you have here on the counter?” Oh, yeah, you could go there, but that’s in another town. Not very enthusiastic, either. Oh, well, we had the flier, so go next door to Bitter Creek Brewing and have a brew and a burger before we go looking for trails. The brews were ok, and the burgers were ok. Best part of the burger were the fries – freshly made! None of this frozen crap I’ve grown to hate. These were good!

So, off to Green River! We found the trails, but no sign of Lunatic Fringe. The guy and the bike shop had never heard of it (that’s never a good sign), so we were on our own. Also, GR is supposed to have a bike park, and we saw signs of fit, but then lost the scent somewhere along the way. What to do? Chamber of Commerce! They put out the flier we have, so let’s go see them! Well, not much help either. And no bike shop in Green River, just the one in Rock Springs … yeah, we know, thanks. So that was a bust – BUT they WERE able to point us to the bike park, so we went there. Very nice park! I’ll post photos later.

And now it’s later! Thankfully, Dan has internet at the cabin. Back to the post.

VERY nice bike park, especially for a town of only 12,500 folks:

2 - GRBP pano 1


I also liked the company that does their Porta-Potties:

4b - Western Relief


On the way to Colorado, we stopped outside Laramie to fill up, and I saw the first honest bathroom sign I’ve ever seen:

4a - Restroom


And that could have been a picture of me running in there.

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