Day 98 – 2014-08-25, Monday – McCall, ID

Today, WE RIDE!!! McCall is my all-time most favoritest of all places, EVER. Bear Basin – love it! And that’s where we’re going today. But first – BREAKFAST! A huge batch of banana nut pancakes, so we have leftovers for the next few days. They really hit the spot. Then, off to Bear Basin – not the most challenging of trails, but just a whole lot of FUN. Nothing that really kicks your ass, but it does make you breathe a little bit hard. I love it! Here’s a map:

1 - Bear Basin Map

We’re going to start with Baby Bear, then Sleepy Hollow, Blue Ridge, which all lead us to the main reason we’re here – Upper Drain. Baby Bear starts at the Trailhead, and goes up a bit, then drops to The Hub – where about six or seven trails and roads meet. From there, we take Sleepy Hollow – it winds through trees, then a climb at the and, for a while, cross a road and it’s Blue Ridge – again some climbing, and then at another road – Upper Drain. This looks different from last year, but this was much easier – less confusing. Anyway, what’s up with Upper Drain? It is a beautiful downhill section, just a bunch of sweepers, left and right, very highly banked, very smooth, and you can FLY down this thing! Well, I’m not that brave, but it is a lot of fun anyway! Just too short! At the bottom, there are several options, one of them being Lower Drain. Last year, we were told to DEFINITELY NOT take that trail – it would kill us! It kills all who enter! Stay away! Huge drop-offs, cliff faces, god only knows what else. So last year, we followed literally EVERYONE’s advice. This year – no one to ask, so what the hell? Timidly, I took off down the trail. A few bumps (rises) in the trail, then a sweeping turn like Upper Drain. then more of the same, bumps, sweepers. Wow! This was FUN! I slowed for the bumps, as I don’t catch air, but the sweepers were a blast! Steeper than Upper Drain, to be sure, but nothing TOO outrageous. We only did it once, so I want to come back and try it again! Anyway, then we did Witch Ditch backwards (that’s a bit of a mistake, as it’s more uphill than down), but it was still fun. Then we bailed back to The Hub to get something to eat. While eating, clouds rolled in, so we cut the ride short. Bummer! We got in eight miles, so I’m happy! Here are some more shots:

2 - Trail Feature

4 - Trail Feature

Those are two trail features that have been routed around, to accommodate riders of varying skill levels – cool! And here’s another cool thing, you hardly ever see:

3 - No Horses

Woohoo! No horses! They really tear up the trails. Almost as badly as motorcycles.

Anyway – rained out, but there was still an activity we could do – BEER! But lunch and a shower first, which I’m sure everyone at the pubs appreciated. On the way home, we stopped by the grocery store to get stuff for lunch, and I saw something I’ve never seen before, that I thought was very appropriate:

7 - Flag Retirement

I think it’s sad that I’ve never seen one, I guess in most places folks just throw them away, which is highly disrespectful – there IS an approved way of disposing of old flags, and they seem to do it here – Good!

Anyway – BEER. Went back to Salmon River, for more brewskis – we both had the Black Happy ABA – not too bad. Then of course,, had to try a new place, so we went up the street to McCall Brewing Company:

8 - McCall Brewery

I had the Coconut Porter (interesting – in a good way!), and The Bear had the Devious Intent Imperial Stout – VERY good.

9 - Drinks McCBC

After that, home to rest!

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