Today, we did something we haven’t done in FOREVER – we rode our bikes! It felt good! Well, other than the familiar “I can’t breathe!”.
We picked an “easiest”-rated trail, the Little Rainbow Trail, and at that, we only did half of it, but we still got six miles in, with 1,059 feet of climbing. We knew we wanted to start in the middle, where we went the other day, but we wanted to find our destination first, so we found the West trailhead. Here is what greets you as you step on the trail here:
This is how they ask for donations – maybe DORBA should try this? And here is the map they posted:
We’re doing the red trail, and we’ll start in the middle, end up here, on the left side – you can almost imagine the “You are here” if you really try.
Anyway, we go back to the middle and start riding – we know it’s mostly uphill, and it definitely is, but not too horrible – the main issue is still lack of oxygen. Dang, you’d think we’d be climatized after about a month at 7,000 feet. Or maybe we’re just fat and out of shape … NAH, that can’t be it! We’re in shape – round is a shape!
Ok, here’s what we got to see:
and a closeup of town from the trail:
Great views from the trail! The ride West was kinda hard for us, as I mentioned, and I hoped that the return would be better, and by golly, it was! Two monster hills, but other than that pretty much all downhill. It took us a bit over half the time to return as it took to get there. 56 minutes out, 30 back, and of course, both were kind of taking our time – the way out to breathe, the way back because a lot of the turns were a bit skittish, so we didn’t want to build up too much speed. should not take long to get used to the difference in terrain, but we’re out here for the fun, not to race.
Rest of the day – jigsaw puzzles! And some nips from the growler of Smoked Stout we got the other day. Mmmm…