Monthly Archives: September 2014

Day 124 – 2014-09-20, Saturday – Bellevue, CO

Well, we missed a call from the dealer (didn’t find this out until Monday coming up – no, I’m not psychic, I’m VERY late updating), but it was a miserable day, mostly, as my back is still killing me. Was not much help, but fortunately, Dan’s youngest son, Aaron, came up to help – yay!

Here is what it looked like:

1 - Almost done

This is the front of the cabin. Almost finished! HAS to get done by tomorrow, as Dan has no more time off, and we are basically useless on the roof. Well, I refuse to get on it, so that’s that, and The Bear is pretty much terrified, as it has got slick with time. We’ll gladly clean up when it’s all done, since that’s on terra firma!

Day 123 – 2014-09-19, Friday – Bellevue, CO

Got a lot done again today. Didn’t finish, but got close, except for the final detail work. I didn’t get a photo, I’ll take one tomorrow morning before we do any more.

Anyway, to celebrate, we went in to Fort Collins, besides, we needed to pick up the truck. No, they’re not done with it, but we had decided to let them do the more minor work, then go get it so we could move to the KoA in town on Sunday, and take the truck back to them on Monday, bright and early. The drive in is great:

1 - The way into Fort Collins

That was the plan … and it seemed to be going SOoooo perfectly! We show up this evening, after the service department had closed, but they left it outside for us, since we have a spare set of keys, and we picked it up around seven. Now, out for dinner! Except the truck is making a new sound … a louder sound, and not a very good one. Sounds like the rear end. Well, we figure we’ll go eat and then take it back. After all, they said it should be good to drive a couple of hundred miles or so. Yeah. About five miles from the dealer, just off from a light on a slight downhill on a four lane divided road (that is under construction to add two more lanes) SCREEEEEEEEEECH!!!! And we come to a grinding halt in the left lane. Yes – the fast lane. And the rear end is locked SOLID. This truck is going NOWHERE. And Dan (our friend and guide) is gone. We can’t call his cell phone, as it’s forwarded to the cabin (no cell service out that far), so we try to text him. My phone is having none of that – I have to reboot it. The Bear calls AAA. “Oh, you’re not in Texas? In Colorado? Let me transfer youCLICK”. And … nothing. Call Good Sam. “Great, but since you were not towing the RV, it’s not covered”. Can you get us a tow anyway? “Oh, you’re stopped ON the road? No, you have to call the police”. Way to let us down, Good Sam. So we call 911. And wait. And wait.

Eventually, a guy shows up and puts on yellow lights. He’s a cop, but not a cop … Community service vehicle, though he IS police. I ask HIM to call a tow truck, which is probably the best thing I’ve done all night – they are required to show up in less than 20 minutes – he shows up in 15, though it seemed like forever … and it’s starting to rain. Could it get any better?

Well, the guy takes us back to the dealership

2 - Back at the dealer

and he drops it off. Of course, before he can do that, The Bear takes a header off the tow truck cab and lands on her side in the parking lot. Ouch. I eventually help her back up, but sadly without a photo, even though I was ready to take the one that ended up being the above. Would have been more exciting to get a shot of her, but I may not have survived that.

So – exciting day. I’m tired. VERY tired.

Day 122 – 2014-09-18, Thursday – Bellevue, CO

Got a lot done today, and it shows! Got all but one partial strip of steel put up on the rear roof, as well as ALL of the back patio – woohoo!

Here is what it looked like when we started:

1 - This Morning

Here is what it looked like at end of day today:

2 - This evening

YES!!! We should get all the steel up tomorrow, then Dan gets to finish the trim on Saturday, with a little help from us (neither of us does heights or edges of roofs).

Day 120 – 2014-09-16, Tuesday – Bellevue, CO

More roofing work! We got almost all the foam on the back roof:

4 - Almost done in the back

But I decided to have some fun along the way:

3 - Tool Time Fans

Those of you who used to watch “Tool Time” should get a chuckle … if you didn’t … oh, well.

I fell of a ladder while holding one of those foam blocks (they weigh about 64 pounds) and smacked the living bejeezers out of my right shin. Swelled up about a half inch, by 2 by 6. And it HURT. Still hurts late in the evening. I KNEW I should have stayed away from those ladders!

Tomorrow we should finish the foam, maybe even put down the felt for the metal roof. Woohoo!

Got an estimate for repairs on the truck … not very good news. Noises and oil leaks can be expensive, but still cheaper than a new truck (or even, a newer truck)! Guess we’ll just get it done.

Oh, yeah – Out four months now.

Day 119 – 2014-09-15, Monday – Bellevue, CO

Another day working on the roof … not TOO bad, but very tiring.

We had a clean roof, so the plan was to put down plastic sheeting as a vapor barrier. Well, turns out that it was slick as snot to stand on, so it was an easy decision to take it back off and go with felt, which we would have to buy, so off to the dump to get rid of the shingles, and to the store to get some felt and other supplies. Here’s a shot of the roof after we started:

1 - Roof

Felt is already down, and the first two foam blocks are up. Long day.

Day 118 – 2014-09-14, Sunday – Bellevue, CO

Alright! Second half of the roof stripped! No more photos – too tired! More tomorrow …

Ok, time to update some more.

We did some shooting today, and I’m pretty proud of what I did. First we shot some pistols, and I tried my hand at a stainless Beretta 92. Fired several shots up close, then I fired this one I’m really proud of:

2 - Pistol Target

Some of those are staple holes – I hit just right of center where the jaw would be. I was aiming at the “X”.Why am I REALLY proud of this shot? Because it was my first time to shoot this pistol, and it was at 165 feet! I’m a happy camper!

Next, I got to shoot a .50 caliber rifle, an AR-50. Kicked very little, I was surprised! We could only put the target out about 330 feet, but here it is:

1 - Target

Several other people had already fired, my hit is above and just left of the “7”. I was aiming at the “7”. VERY happy camper. I do have a couple of rifles that are not that large a caliber, yet kick considerably more. Muzzle brakes work! I’ll post a photo later.

Day 116 – 2014-09-12, Friday – LaPorte, CO to Bellevue, CO

Ok, we’re gonna go over to Dan’s place today – trying to thread an elephant through the eye of a needle – the truck and trailer through a narrow gate with a bunch of trees on the other side. But first, we had to get there! We pulled out of the KoA and waited for Dan across the street, in a large parking lot. While sitting there, we saw two school buses pull up, and from looking at the wings on the back, I’m guessing they’re for a NASCAR race or something:

1 - NASCAR Buses

The entry into the property actually did not go too badly, I was surprised. Hopefully leaving will be as easy. Had to get turned around so I could park it close to electricity by the apartments in the rear of the property, which took a little time, but went really well. Here’s where we’re parked:

2 - Trailer

And it’s free! Woohoo!

Day 115 – 2014-09-11, Thursday – Rock Springs, WY to LaPorte, CO

We’ve been here before! Stopped by the KoA for tonight only, and tomorrow we go off with Mr. Bond … Dan Bond. Old work buddy from our Kodak days. We’re gonna help him re-roof his cabin in the canyon. Why yes, we ARE stupid, but not totally! Nope – I don’t climb ladders … ask my good friend Sherry Daerr about that – she witnessed the last time I climbed a ladder and almost ended up with a concussion – nice inch-long gash on my forehead. Yeah, neat story, that one.

Anyway – another early start, so we could go into town and arrange to drop off the truck – needs a little TLC – has an oil leak and a couple of noises we need looked at. Then, of course, BEER. And food. Went to Black Bottle Brewing. Hmmm. Well, the beer was good, but EXPENSIVE. Didn’t get the Stout because it was $9 for an 8 oz glass. REALLY? The cheaper one was $7! I settled for a Pumpkin Porter that was only $5 for a 14 oz glass. And it was good! The Bear had a Juanita Brown Ale that was only $4.50 a 14 oz glass, that was also quite good. Food? Small dishes, quite expensive, so we won’t be back. Good flavor, just not much there. Meal prices for appetizer sizes.

After that – check out the road to Dan’s cabin, then check out campgrounds on the road back, then dinner and SLEEP.