Monthly Archives: August 2014

Day 83 – 2014-08-10, Sunday – Great Falls, MT to Missoula, MT

Travel day indeed! Got a fairly early start to the day. Short drive, but the earlier we leave, the more time we have in Missoula!

We thought we’d buy breakfast at the KoA where we’re staying. This is an interesting KoA. The sites are small, and serious bushes on both sides of each site. Great for privacy, but that’s about it. Also, there’s so little other space, that someone is ALWAYS in your way, whether you are coming in or going out. We NEVER came in or left that someone was not parked somewhat in our way, either on the driveway, or some of the sites, or somewhere, and it was an effort not to hit something or someone, constantly. Felt VERY crowded. AND – everything is hidden by bushes. Took us two tries and finally going to the office to ask where the breakfast was being served. When we found it, the sign was hidden … behind a bush! On BOTH sides! I don’t get it. And a teenybopper was running it, didn’t give clear directions on how to order, or where, or anything, AND she was slower than Christmas, so we just gave up on breakfast, finished packing up, and left. Good riddance. We may return to Great Falls (probably only for the beer at Bowser Brewing Company), but will NOT be staying at the KoA.

The drive itself? Well, to start with, on the way out I got a photo of something I saw on the way in – Dan, this one’s for you:

1 - Fox Farm Rd Great Falls MT

Besides that, we saw a lot of stunning scenery:

2 - Scenery

Montana really is a beautiful State. Ok, in town, look for breweries, or brew pubs. Seems almost nobody here makes Porters or Stouts. Bummer! BUT – we did find one place – Tamarack Brewing Company. It’s a pub, pretty much. And we show up at 14:00 (2:00 PM) … and there must be half a dozen families with kids here. Not teens, but toddlers! WTF? SCREAMING toddlers. Lovely.

Lunch itself was good, as was the Vanilla Bourbon Stout we had. Not quite a strong as the last one we had, but VERY good. Probably a bit better than the last one, as it was a mite TOO strong flavored (and 11% alcohol, this one is only 6%). Here’s lunch:

3 - Lunch at Tamarack

That’s what’s left. it was a HUGE lunch. No dinner for me!

After that, the only thing left was to look for tomorrow’s ride, and then make sure we get some ice cream at the KoA – it’s a thing they do every evening, and it’s pretty good. While eating my ice cream, I look through a newspaper, and while perusing the educational section, I see this:

4 - Bears on cyclists

Very fitting, since we’re back in bear country!

Tomorrow, we ride!

Day 82 – 2014-08-09, Saturday – Great Falls, MT

Well, today WAS supposed to be a ride day, but the trail is closed for a race. Bummer.

Ok, so we go out to look at the end of the race, see some folks come in, and see what the trail looks like. Pretty nice looking, I guess we’ll have to come back if we want to ride it. Bummer.

Lunch was at the Celtic Cowboy. Irish pub, in case you were wondering. I tried a Murphy’s, since they had it on tap. My good friend Richard White says he prefers it over Guinness:

3 - Murphy's

Well, it was good, but a little too light for my tastes. I’ll stick to my Guinness. For lunch, I had the Irish Breakfast:

5 - Irish Breakfast

And The Bear had a grilled cheese sandwich with Tomato Soup:

6 - Grilled Cheese and Tomato Soup

Yes, these are half-eaten. Sorry. We were hungry! But here’s a shot of their bar, and all the beers on tap – that’s what that white row of dots is:

4 - Celtic Cowboy

We also checked out some of the town, picked up some parts for the trailer, and late afternoon, returned to Bowser Brewing. Here’s their logo:

2 - Bowser logo

And here’s some good advice they had posted in the men’s bathroom:

1 - Drink UpstreamSage advice indeed. I had a pint of the Vanilla Bourbon Stout, and The Bear had the Black Bison Coffee Stout. We also took a growler of the Jalapeño Hefeweizen to have with dinner – gonna make Chicken fried steak with mashed potatoes and fried okra – YUM! (with white gravy, of course!)

Tomorrow – off to Missoula!


Day 81 – 2014-08-08, Friday – Bozeman, MT to Great Falls, MT

Ok, early rise today – not a super-long drive, but we’d like to get in early, so we can go hit a bike shop.

The drive was pretty weary, and the scenery was fantastic – here are some shots of it:

1 - Drive 1

2 - Drive 2

And this is a two-parter – The first is the view down the hill:

3 - Drive 3

See the green part almost smack in the middle? Not the bigger one, but the smaller below and to its left? At that spot, I looked to the right, and saw this:

4 - Drive 4

Yes, it would have looked much better had it been sunny, but it is what it is.

Got into town, found the campground, and got set up – easy stuff by now. Then, off to the bike shop – Knicker Biker. Yeah, weird name, but they’ll be able to tell us where to ride tomorrow! Or not. The guy who knows the trails is out, helping the TV crews set up their cameras. For what? Why, for the Enduro they’re having tomorrow, exactly where we WOULD be riding, if the trails weren’t closed! REALLY?

Ok, we can’t ride, but dammit – we can drink! In our traverses through time, I saw a brewery, so we’re gonna go hit it. And hit it we do. Took these before even entering:

5 - Bowser

And here’s a closeup of the benches:

6 - Bowser Bench


Going inside, we look to see what to order:

7 - Bowser Beer Board

Hope you can read it. Anyway, The Bear found an appropriate one – Without a Paddle Porter! It’s funny, because of the T-shirt she bought the other day – for Bitch Creek Ale, and she posted a joke about being “Up Bitch Creek without a Pedal”, a play on “Up Shit Creek Without a Paddle”. So it was funny to see this porter. And it was VERY good.

I found something spectacular – Jalapeño Hefeweizen! I tried it, and it is FANTASTIC. Smells of jalapeño, and tastes of it also, just as it should, and it has a bit of a zing! But also VERY refreshing. These guys do magical things with beer! After those, we sampled the Black Bison Coffee Stout – another excellent Stout. And I sampled the Vanilla Bourbon Stout. WOW! We have GOT to come back for more of these tomorrow. Here are the first two:

8 - Bowser Beers

Home made Chinese food for dinner, and the day is done.

Day 80 – 2014-08-07, Thursday – Bozeman, MT

Well, no riding today – weather’s looking nasty, so we won’t chance it. Instead – we’ll wash the trailer! This is the first chance we’ve had since the blown fuel line, so it’ll be nice to get all that diesel off the outside.

Well, it didn’t all come off, but most of it did, and the trailer looks much better. Oh, yeah, here’s our site:

1 - Site

Next was grocery shopping, where I saw something … interesting:

2 - Kale Caesar

Yes, “Kale Caesar! Kale Caesar!”. Never say food companies don’t have a sense of humor!

Now just pack up and move tomorrow – Great Falls, MT, here we come!

Day 79 – 2014-08-06, Wednesday – Bozeman, MT

Today, we ride! No, really! Well, it ended up being a really short ride, but it was pretty grueling for what it was, especially considering we haven’t really ridden our bikes in over a week.

We went exploring, not sure where we would ride, and headed out some Forest Service roads. Ended up at the trailhead for the trail that goes to Emerald Lake. The road was really rough, and I did not want to come back, so I asked if we should do it. The reply I got was not what I hoped for – “It’s a bit less than five miles, but it’s climbing all the way there”. Hmmm … not the best first-ride-in-a-week ride, but we’re here! We hiked a bit of it, the start was steep, but then it leveled out. Sure! Let’s do it!

Well, it turns out it got steeper again. Rats! We got almost halfway up, when it started to rain. Don’t know about you, but me? Not riding up a mountain on a lightning rod when it threatens to strike! Back down we went! In all, a bit less than four miles round trip, but we did climb almost 700 feet! Good workout!

Day 78 – 2014-08-05, Tuesday – Victor, ID to Bozeman, MT

Another travel day! Back-to-backs are not a lot of fun, but we have a method now – don’t set up completely. Makes take-down so much faster.

First thing, it’s sprinkling outside, after raining all night. Looks bad out there, but it really isn’t, so take-down is a piece of cake. Get out of the park at 9:04, just in time to hit the bike shop. We get there and they take The Bear’s wheel in right away. Fitzgerald’s Bicycles – great folks, great place! They also have an in-house coffee bar, so we get some java and look around while they get her fixed up.

By 9:43, we’re back on the road! Raining off and on now, but again, the roads are not slick, so we can make good time, but here’s what it looked like outside – this is where the “Amber waves of grain” line comes from:

1 - Amber waves of grain

Yes, it’s crooked – hard to take great photos when you mainly have to drive the rig. Anyway, a bit later the rain really came down, and it was like this:

2 - Rainy roads

Fun times!

We kinda have to go through West Yellowstone, so, what to do? Well, we’ll be stopping by the Slippery Otter to have a pizza for lunch, of course! We need to see if it’s still the best pizza we’ve ever had. It is:

3 - Supreme pizza

That’s two thirds of the Supreme. Won’t last much longer. To drink, The Bear had a Pigs Ass Porter, which was pretty good, though a wee bit light for what I wanted, so I had the Black Ghost Oatmeal Stout. Not Guinness, but pretty good:

4 - Brewskis

Here’s their logo inside the pub:

5 - Slippery Otter Pub

After lunch, less than 100 miles to Bozeman, and actually, we’re just outside Bozeman, on the way in, so we really only have like 85 miles to go. Cloudy mountains:

6 - Cloudy mountains

And other beautiful scenery:

7 - Scenery

Yeah, still wet, but it looks to be drying out. We’re going back to a KoA we stayed in last year – a bit of trepidation, because last year they were adding on, and rebuilding all kinds of stuff. The Bear looked online, and a lot of folks are still complaining. We shall see!

Day 77 – 2014-08-04, Monday – Dubois, WY to Victor, ID

Travel day! So, of course … it rains. I heard it pitter just before I went to bed last night. Grrrrr. Luckily, it did not rain hard (yet), so we get out without getting soaked, or muddy. Yay. I’ll take small victories.

After we leave, it starts to rain, but thankfully not hard, and I’m glad the roads are not slick. Mostly it’s just pittering. Everything goes swimmingly until we get to Jackson, WY. A lot of folks are stopped, parked off to the side of the road, looking at something in the river. I don’t care what it is, I just want to get going, but there’s a dark blue Ford something-or-other SUV parked half on the road. REALLY? It’s a two lane road, and this is at the entrance to a bridge. I CAN’T get around him, and NOBODY is going to get past me, there’s just no room. Ok, he’s walking back to his car. So’s his passenger. Ok, that explains being parked half on the road (did I mention that that is illegal as all hell here?). And he sits. I think he’s checking out the photos in his camera. I honk. I’m completely ignored. I sit, trying to be patient. He’s still looking down at something on his lap, I guess (HOPE!) his camera. After a minute or two, with traffic stacking up behind me, I honk again, just a short toot. He looks around, wondering what the commotion is, I guess sees traffic stacked up behind him, so he starts to move ahead. Flashers are still on, and it ;looks like he’s looking for another place to park … passes several, so that’s not it. Still got the flashers on. He’s a Canuk. From Alberta. I thought Canadians were half-way intelligent. I guess every country has their idiots. I hope they take him back soon. After a minute or so of wandering left and right on the roadway, he turns off his flashers and heads on down the road – FINALLY! Now he looks like he’s racing out of here. He’s not going all that fast, because I can barely keep up with him, and we’re starting up the pass over the mountains, from Jackson to Victor. He decides to pass a small pickup in front of him, and does it in a no-passing zone. Yup, right-hand blind curve, yellow stripe firmly on our side. he doesn’t care – NOW he’s in a hurry. Go figure. Good riddance. Oh yeah, there was fog close to the pass at the top:

1 - Pass

Luckily it didn’t last long, because it was THICK! Just past the fog, I catch the guy from Canukistan. Great. Just prior to a construction zone. It vaguely crosses my mind that one short mis-application (or rather, non-application) of brakes, and he’s off down the mountainside, a lot of the worlds little problems quickly solved … but no, that would not be right. Hopefully he’s going elsewhere from us. Most of the way down the hill … BRAKE light. Great! Just had the front brakes done last week or so! I have brakes, so I’m not worried, but it just … ARGH. Oh, well.

The rest of the trip (all 15 miles of it, or so) is uneventful, and we get checked into our campground. Yay! Immediately, we head for the bike shop, to get The Bear’s front wheel re-taped. I actually remember where the bike shop is from last year! Yay! We whip in, and … they’re closed on Mondays. Great. Gotta love it! Off to lunch, at The Big Hole BBQ. Ate there last year, good stuff. Only sandwiches for lunch, but that’s ok, I can deal with it. Then, off to a brewery! And IT is closed! REALLY? Until 16:00. ARGH. Guess the beer will have to wait. Well, that’s ok, we can get our growler to take with us, in case they have good beer.

Brake light – had it checked out. Low fluid. Ok, the fluid was so high it looked like it was out, but obviously it’s not, so we’ll ignore that one until we get to Bozeman, MT and get it looked at.

Beer – hit two places. First one was Wildlife Brewery. They had no stouts or porters, but they did have a Bear Claw Black Ale that was pretty good. Ok, so I’ve found ONE ale I like!

Next place was the Grand Teton Brewing Company, and they DID have a Stout – their Black Cauldron Nitro Stout. Quite good! Not quite up to the Stout at Moonlight Pizza in Salida, CO, but pretty close. Not growler worthy, though, I’m afraid.

Off to home and maybe Longmire if we can get the Tailgater to work.

Day 76 – 2014-08-03, Sunday – Curt Gowdy State Park, WY to Dubois, WY

Got a fairly early start. We’d done all the outside prep we could do, so it was pretty easy to get going this morning. Pulled out right at 9:00, headed for Riverton, WY.

After a couple of hours, it was time to switch highways, and kinda time for lunch, so we start looking … nothing too far out of the way. There re billboards for a Chinese Restaurant at our exit, and that sounds really good. Ok, I see Burger King – BZZZZT! … McDonald’s – BZZZZT! … Taco Bell – BZZZZT! … no Chinese place … this sucks! Last place I see is Pizza Hut, and we have to eat, so … ugh.

Actually, the pizza was pretty good, considering. Not great, but not bad. Actually better than some of the others we’ve had recently, which is REALLY bad for the independents! Do we need fuel? Nah … we’re over half a tank. Off we go. Oh, yeah … we’re not actually going to Riverton, we’re going to Dubois (pronounced DEW-boyz). A bit further. Maybe we should have filled up …

The scenery is nice:

1 - Scenery

And this one, which looks like it has a glacier on the right side:

2 - Glacier?

Yeah, I know – hard to tell. Phone photos are hard to tell from. Lots of reflections, too.

We get to Lander, somewhere on the way, and the needle is close to “E”, so we stop and fill up. A bit over 32 gallons, which means we only had a bit less than three to completely dry. I don’t like getting that close, it’s only about thirty five miles when we’re towing.

A few minutes after three, and we’re at the local KoA. Woohoo! Steaks in town tonight, and some REAL photos of the sunset – hope it’s a nice one!

Well, I went, and it was pretty drab. I actually made this where it looks better than the real deal! Not a lot of work, Clarity, Saturation, and some Shadow adjustments:

4 - _D7H6016

Tomorrow – Victor!

Oh yeah, on the way back, I saw this laundromat, and thought the doorway was interesting:

5 - Laundry

Only in Wyoming. Or Montana. Or Texas, Oklahoma, Idaho …

Day 75 – 2014-08-02, Saturday – Curt Gowdy State Park, WY

Today, we ride! Finally! Pull the bikes out – it’s been a while! The Bear’s front wheel needs air, but we’re not surprised … it’s been a while! Get everything aired up, and head out! Down the dirt road a bit, to the bathrooms, then hang a left to get into the trail … “Bill … BILL!!!”. Damn. Now what? Her front tire is low. “I thought you aired it up?”. Back to the truck. Air it up, and it’s leaking … maybe it needs more Stan’s. Let all the air out, pop the bead, pour in some Stan’s, air it back up. Spin it to spread the Stan’s … and it starts coming out between the rim and the spoke nipples. Great. Rim tape is bad, and we don’t have any. Just lovely. Well, I did get to ride about a quarter of a mile.

In to town to get some other stuff taken care of, and then come back to get ready to move tomorrow. It has GOT to get better.

Ok, promised a shot of my battery switch when I got done:

1 - Battery switch

You can just barely see it poking up top of the right battery. What a crappy photo! Too bright to see what I was doing. I’ll do another later.

Day 74 – 2014-08-01, Friday – Curt Gowdy State Park, WY

More finishing up today. Started on the batteries yesterday, here’s a shot of that:

1 - Batteries

Junk in the way on that shot, I’ll get another taken tomorrow after it’s all dressed right. Where that 2×2 is in front, there is a switch so I can switch to battery 1, battery 2, both batteries, or turn them both off. So, when I’m plugged in, either to the truck or 110VAC, I can have them both charge at the same time, then I can easily switch to whichever I want to use when I don’t have external power, and easily switch batteries when one is depleted. Cool!

The other project was the solar panels. Did a quick-and-dirty just to try it out, and here’s what that looks like:

2 - Solar panel

I just placed it like that, and it was pushing 5.5 Amps. Turns out that was optimum! Tried all kinds of other angles, and they all produced less, from a little less to a lot. And don’t let ANYTHING shade ANY part of it, or it all goes away! I didn’t know that! I mean, cover up 5% of that panel, and you go from 5.5 Amps to about 0.38. YES, the difference really is that dramatic. They’ll have to be placed a bit high, so fences, grass, or other low things don’t cast a shadow on them. Of course, this is only one of the panels. The other one is waiting for the mounting to be done. Pictures when I have it figured out. But at least now I know that on a sunny day, I can get 11.0 Amps out of my two panels. That will EASILY charge what I lose overnight. Normally I use about 2 Amps, so that’s 48 Amp-Hours over a full 24 hour day. I can recoup that in under 5 hours of full sun! Just over 4, actually! Means we can stay out longer without hookups. National Forest, here we come! We should be able to do a week, easy, without breaking out the generators. Looking forward to it!