Author Archives: Bill

Day 134 – 2014-09-30, Tuesday – Bellevue, CO

No riding again – COLD! So, instead (to hold off cabin fever), we drove further up the canyon. Even MORE beautiful than the drive to FC! Well, a bit hard to tell today, because it was not sunny – quite the opposite, it was sprinkling, which, when we got near the pass (Cameron Pass 10,000 + feet!), turned to sleet! Got some good photos, though, and also, it had been snowing up there:

1 - Snow Bear

2 - Leaves

3 - Snow road

4 - Snow Road

5 - Snow Road

6 - Snow Pass

And on the way back, took photos of Poudre Falls – not very big, but very nice:

7 - Poudre Falls

Short day.

Day 133 – 2014-09-29, Monday – Bellevue, CO

RAIN. No, not really, but quite cold. Needed to go into town anyway, so still not riding – ugh. Got some groceries and gas, then went by the Dodge dealer – truck still parked outside! DAMN! They’ve had it almost two weeks! Guy says parts are in, and should start working on it tomorrow maybe, done by end of week, maybe. Yeah. Maybe.

One interesting thing, though. On the drive in to town, saw this – we’ve seen it several times, but finally got a photo of each:

2 - Hula Guy


Ok, look out for guys with hula hoops? But what about THIS:

1 - Hula Cow

You’d think I was back in Roswell!

Day 130 – 2014-09-26, Friday – Bellevue, CO

Lazy day today. We’re too tired to drive into town (since it takes over an hour!), so we’ll just stick around and relax. Did do a short ride around here just to get a feel for the bike on soft ground, and it went ok. Tomorrow, we’ll go for a REAL ride on a REAL trail.

So, anyway, we’re taking it easy, it’s dusk, and I’m grilling hamburgers on the trailer’s outside grill, when, one of the times I check on the burgers, I see this:

1 - Moose

Yup, a moose! Here he’s walking away, so he’s pretty far – when I first saw him, I was even with the back of the truck, and he was MAYBE a truck length in front of the truck … yes, kids, maybe 35-40 feet from me! Cool! He was sauntering left to right, and just kept on sauntering, completely ignoring me. I think that was a GOOD thing. Would not want a bull moose coming after me!

That was the excitement for the day – I finally got to see a moose!

Day 129 – 2014-09-25, Thursday – Bellevue, CO and Denver, CO

Tandem day! Woohoo!

Oh, did I say that already? Well, we’re pretty excited about it! Breakfast, driving, blah, blah, blah. Let’s get to the good stuff! Here is The Bear with the tandem, in front of their building:

1 - daVinci Tandems

Here is a closeup of the importants:

2 - Colser Bear and bike

We then took it out for a spin, and it felt pretty good, though both front and rear suspensions were a little soft, so we headed back to get that adjusted. Pumped up the rear shock, adjusted the dampening on the front, and the second ride was MUCH better. Woohoo!

After that, went to lunch at Beau Jo’s, a pizza place. Ok, but not great:

3 - Lunch at BeauJo's

Then, headed back to daVinci to pay them the balance and head out. They were taking photos of the bike, so I snuck one of my own:

4 - daVinci Symbiosis Tandem

And while there, asked two of the guys to pose with it for us. Todd Schusterman on the right, and when I get his name, I’ll pop it in for the guy on the left:

5 - Two of the guys from daVinci

Todd has a good sense of humor, but still let us get a serious shot:

6 - Two of the guys from daVinci

We were hoping to hit the dirt with it today, but the day got away from us – we headed back to Fort Collins to show the bike off to the folks at Peloton. Woohoo!

Day 128 – 2014-09-24, Wednesday – Bellevue, CO

GSD day, since we’re pretty much just marking time until the truck gets fixed.

Hit one of the local bike shops to get some stuff for the tandem, which we will go pick up tomorrow. Peloton Cycles is the place we’ve gone to every time we’ve been in Fort Collins, and they’re a fine bunch of folks. A great gl there also pointed us to “The Mayor of Old Town”, a pub fairly close by, so we headed there for lunch. I think I found heaven!

1 - Beer Heaven

100 beers on tap! And the rumor is, when a keg runs out, they don’t restock that particular beer for 30 days, so that they keep rotating what beers they carry. I’m guessing that does not hold for all 100, but it might. Oh, and these are ALL Colorado craft beers!

Tomorrow – Tandem day! Woohoo!